Game List
You Are The Author - A typing game in which typing gives you money to pay your bills! Any excess money can be used to purchase upgrades. I've been trying to fix my scaling problems, but I don't have much Unity experience, or knowledge.
Fastest Frog In The West - A reaction time game, where you compete with other frogs to get flies the fastest! I made this game for "Games4Change" under the theme "INCLUSIVE PLAY: DESIGNING GAMES FOR ALL". I'm really proud of it. :D
A Greek LDR - A 2D endless mirror runner! Made this in a game jam with two other amazing people.
Boregon Trail - Made with four other people, we tried to make a visual novel engine all by ourselves. Did not turn out well. It's not even a game yet, just a vn engine.
Garden Drummer - The game I am the proudest of, I made it in the summer SIA game jam with MaverickXIII and RedWool. A rhythm game, with funky flowers!